1. Become a badass assassin.
I'm not saying here that I want to be paid to kill people or anything, just that I read books with assassins as main characters, and I think, how amazing would it be to be so stealthy you can run across rooftops and blend in with shadows? Plus, most assassins get a really cool suit and some knives. It'd be great to be an assassin.
2. Become High Lady of the Night Court.
I mean, I'm a redhead and I love painting, and I'd be pretty keen to learn archery, so I am basically just Feyre, right? All I need is Rhysand to complete this goal...
3. Become Rebecca Stormborn of House Targaryen, the first of her name, the Unburnt, Queen of Mereen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons.
Honestly, I think this one's pretty self explanatory.
4. Become a figure of Russian folklore.
I recently noticed that the hardback edition of Deathless has a little tagline on the cover that says 'Child of the revolution, maiden of myth, bride of darkness.' I then added this to my twitter bio. I'm now considering getting business cards with it on.
5. Travel our world... and other worlds.
Books have always made me want to travel, but none so much as Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I literally have a holiday booked to Prague in September purely because of this book. It'd be pretty cool to see Eretz too, though (once the war's over and all that).
Angharad's Choices:
1. Travel, travel and travel.
I must admit that I have always wanted to travel but since becoming a serious bibliophile, this want has definitely increased. Scotland, Prague, America, Eastern Europe. Yes, majority of the places I read about are in fantasy books so there's a few mythical creatures floating about but other than that, I want to book my plane tickets immediately.
2. Study literature.
English Literature was my favourite subject in school and being a bookworm definitely fuelled this love. I completed a course in literature after school. I love delving into the written word and having my own interpretations of what the author was thinking. If it wasn't for reading, I know my love for the subject wouldn't be as strong. It also encouraged me to read the classics.
3. Get literary-inspired tattoos
I can officially say I have ticked this off my list but only once. I rarely read a book without jotting down quotes as I go along. I live my life through quotes and would love to have some permanently on my body. For now, I store them in my journal alongside some associated imagery.
4. Writing a short story for my partner.
My boyfriend is not a reader so I would love him to be able to read something that I've wrote for him. He still supports my need for books and even lugs around my bags full of them so I would love to repay him. Luckily for me, he's handsome enough that I can at least get him to pose with books.
5. Run a successful book blog.
We have had this blog for a few months now and it is doing so much better than what I expected. We went into this without much of a clue but we both immediately found our love for it. It's a dream come true and was definitely something I've wanted to do for a long time. Thanks to all you guys!

I recently noticed that the hardback edition of Deathless has a little tagline on the cover that says 'Child of the revolution, maiden of myth, bride of darkness.' I then added this to my twitter bio. I'm now considering getting business cards with it on.
5. Travel our world... and other worlds.
Books have always made me want to travel, but none so much as Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I literally have a holiday booked to Prague in September purely because of this book. It'd be pretty cool to see Eretz too, though (once the war's over and all that).
Angharad's Choices:
1. Travel, travel and travel.
I must admit that I have always wanted to travel but since becoming a serious bibliophile, this want has definitely increased. Scotland, Prague, America, Eastern Europe. Yes, majority of the places I read about are in fantasy books so there's a few mythical creatures floating about but other than that, I want to book my plane tickets immediately.
2. Study literature.
English Literature was my favourite subject in school and being a bookworm definitely fuelled this love. I completed a course in literature after school. I love delving into the written word and having my own interpretations of what the author was thinking. If it wasn't for reading, I know my love for the subject wouldn't be as strong. It also encouraged me to read the classics.
3. Get literary-inspired tattoos
I can officially say I have ticked this off my list but only once. I rarely read a book without jotting down quotes as I go along. I live my life through quotes and would love to have some permanently on my body. For now, I store them in my journal alongside some associated imagery.
4. Writing a short story for my partner.
My boyfriend is not a reader so I would love him to be able to read something that I've wrote for him. He still supports my need for books and even lugs around my bags full of them so I would love to repay him. Luckily for me, he's handsome enough that I can at least get him to pose with books.
5. Run a successful book blog.
We have had this blog for a few months now and it is doing so much better than what I expected. We went into this without much of a clue but we both immediately found our love for it. It's a dream come true and was definitely something I've wanted to do for a long time. Thanks to all you guys!

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